Tuesday, May 9, 2023

How To Deal With(A) Very Bad 5 MYTHS ABOUT TAROT CARDS

How To Improve At 5 MYTHS ABOUT TAROT CARDS In 60 Minutes

5 Myths About Tarot Cards

Few things are as misunderstood as tarot cards. For all the surrounding negative associations

There is a direct connection between fortune telling and tarot cards in particular, these negatives

Concepts and realities of working with cards. It may be useful for us to dispel some myths

Checking the validity of tarot.

Myth #1 - Tarot cards are "evil".

The first myth, and the biggest, is that they are the Antichrist or "evil". People tend to believe it

Believing the cards "work" because they are tied to some dark force. This myth,

Like all myths, there is a grain of truth that is twisted

Acknowledgment In fact, it was the Christian Church that drove out paganism in the Middle Ages,

Its chief rival, it and everything related to it, belongs to Satan. The people were told that their

The ancient horned fertility god (think Pan) is the worst creature and devil in creation.

has been discovered. Christianity is of course the antithesis of paganism, and so is tarot card meaning

As pagans, many Christians have been forced to condemn or excommunicate tarot cards and tarot cards.

Readers don't really understand why.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

The 10 Best Essentials of Tarot Cards Books

Essentials of Tarot Cards

The origin of tarot cards is a matter of some debate. No one knows for sure when the first deck of tarot cards was invented. Many scholars believe that tarot cards first appeared in the 15th century, while others believe that tarot originated as early as the 1300s. 

All agree that tarot cards originated in Italy as 'tarochi' cards and were used for playing cards without any direct relation to divination or meditation. During the 18th century, tarot cards became extremely popular in France, and the French pronunciation of 'taro' with a 't' became universally accepted.

In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, a Catholic priest named Eliphas Levi included tarot cards in his occult writings. Levi was a good student of several languages (Hebrew, Hindu, Polish, Masonic and Kabbalism) as well as several scientific studies (astrology, astrology and metaphysics). 

Levy created his own tarot cards as a teaching tool to help his students study spiritual matters and self-awareness. He was the first to incorporate the four elements of nature, astrological symbols, and biblical references into a deck of tarot cards. His use of these symbols has certainly stood the test of time, with many modern writers still using the symbols he created.

The most popular deck of tarot cards in use today is the Rider-Waite deck, first published in England around 1910. The name Ryder-White is a combination of the name of the publisher (the Ryder Company of London) and the name of the author. Arthur Edward Waite). 

In the late 19th century, an English occult group known as the 'Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn' was deeply engaged in the study of the Tarot. One of its members, and American-born and English-educated author, Arthur Edward Waite, envisioned a deck of tarot cards that could be used to predict possible future events. 

The Rider-Waite deck was revolutionary because each card contained a picture that told a story. The cards were beautifully illustrated by fellow Golden Dawn artist, Pamela Coleman Smith. His work has inspired many tarot artists to follow.

Tarot Deck Essentials

A full deck of tarot cards comprises of 78 cards. 56 cards consist of 'Minor Arcana' and the remaining 22 cards consist of 'Major Arcana'. The meaning of name Archean is "secret, mystery".

The 56 Minor Arcana cards deal with matters of daily importance and significance. These can be sorted into 14 cards (10 by 10, plus the four court cards) in each of the four suits. Each suit corresponds to one of the four elements of nature: fire, water, earth and air. Every suite has its own interesting elements:

- The masculine element of fire is represented by the Tarot suit of 'Wands' and symbolizes: action, desire, drive, creativity and emotion.

- The feminine element of water is represented by the Tarot suit of 'Cups' and symbolizes: emotions, feelings, psychic abilities, and spiritual beliefs.

- The masculine element of Air is represented by the Tarot suit of 'Swords' and symbolizes: thought, intelligence, innovation and clarity of thought.

- The feminine element of Earth is represented by the Tarot suit of 'Pentacles' and symbolizes: all things of earthly nature, body, health and career.

Each suit consists of fourteen cards that have their own symbolic meaning:

- Ace: new opportunities, beginnings

- Two: balance, partnership

- three: magic, trinity

- Four: perfection, foundation

Five: chaos, turmoil

- Six: Beauty and Perfection

- Seven: Spiritual quest, study

- Eight: Stability, Infinity

- nine: a magic number

Ten: fullness, harvest

- Pages: Explore, Learn

- Knights: Action, Movement

- Queen: depth, maturity

- Raja: Power, strength

The 22 Major Arcana cards speak of deeper significance and higher purpose. Major Arcana cards often relate to one's soul story and journey to spiritual awareness. The realization that life experiences transcend the boundaries of space and time is reflected in the Major Arcana cards. The Major Arcana card is considered the trump card.

Benefits of Tarot Cards

Tarot cards should be seen as a tool to examine one's life and gain a positive outlook on how to move forward. The cards do not have mystical powers, nor do they present any risk of harm to you or others when used correctly. Tarot cards should be used to gain positive insights that can be helpful in everyday situations and conflicts. Tarot can reveal a higher level of self-awareness, a new perspective, and a better understanding of your place in the world. Many tarot readers report receiving insights that have helped them understand past events with greater clarity, and ultimately this understanding has helped them avoid repeating their mistakes. Some tarot readers turn to the cards to predict possible future events. Sometimes, if your mind is open to new possibilities, that's enough to make a positive change in your life path.

Take care of your tarot deck

You can find a variety of advice on the internet about taking care of your card. Basically, it is recommended to clear your new deck of cards before your first use, this can easily be done by leaving your deck on a windowsill for 24 hours so that both the sun and the moon can reflect on you to allow the card to clear. After that, you should lie under your pillow for a few nights and season your cards. Between uses, your tarot cards should be wrapped in velvet and stored in a tarot bag.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Tarot Cards Meanings

Tarot Cards Meanings

Hi, thanks for reading my article. If you're looking for information about tarot card meanings, I'm glad you found this page. This article has been written to provide clear and concise information for those seeking information on tarot card reading. I have a long-standing interest in tarot and a lack of concise information about tarot readings.

The origins of tarot cards are shrouded in mystery, with influences from a wide range of cultures and rumoured to include Egyptian lore, Mithraic religion, medieval heresy, and pagan Celtic beliefs. Their first recorded use dates back to the 14th century in southern Europe, where they were mainly used for educational purposes and as a mixture of playing cards. 

Different packs were intended to show rationale, Greek folklore, religion, geology and, surprisingly, the specialty of cutting meat and fish. The name taro likely gets from the Italian word 'trochi', which comes from the valley of the Taro Waterway in northern Italy. The modern Tarot card pack is said to derive from the French Tarot of Marseilles, which consists of 78 cards with 22 trumps. 

The primary remarkable record of utilizing tarot cards on a more otherworldly level was in 1781, when the Swiss mysterious essayist, minister and freemason Antoine Court de Belin composed the implications of tarot cards in his book on human progress.  in an increasingly religiously dominated world. Eliot of Paris was the first known fortune teller to use tarot cards. They believed that tarot card readings revealed possible future events such as travel, sorrow, love and luck.

For readings, the deck is shuffled, usually by subject, and laid out in one of several patterns called "spreads". They are then deciphered by the peruse for the subject. There are several ways to set up a card for reading. These are the three most popular spreads:

Three card spread

Three cards are chosen with the first representing the past, the second the present and the third the future.

Five card answers

They usually helped with one or more specific questions at that time in their lives. The selected five tarot cards are used to indicate:

1. The current situation is related to the question.

2. What exactly was the cause of the problem.

3. What kind of response is required.

4. What are the possible side effects.

5. Possible results after action.

Tarot Card Calendar

Twelve cards are chosen which are placed in a circle in front of the subject. The subject is usually asked to turn the card closest to the one o'clock position on the card circle. This card shows the general situation they face in the next month. This cycle then continues around the circle and each card is connected to significant parts of each ensuing month.

Setting up a tarot card deck

The deck is divided into 2 parts called Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. This section roughly corresponds to the court cards and spot cards in a modern deck of cards. There are a sum of 78 Tarot cards, including 22 Significant Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards.

Major Archana

These cards do not have suits and are character cards whose presence indicates some special significance during a tarot card reading.

Stupid Power

The magician is a dumb man

Death of the High Priest

Queen Temperance

The emperor is Satan

High Priest Tower

lover star

Chariot Moon

Justice of the sun

Monk angel

The wheel of fortune of the world

Minor Arcana

There are fifty-six cards, divided into four suits of fourteen cards each; Ten number cards and four court cards. The court cards in each of the four tarot suits are the king, queen, knight, and page. The suits are Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles.

Each suit is similar to normal playing cards (Ace to Ten) with the addition of an additional court card, page.

Hi, thanks for reading my article. If you're looking for information about tarot card meanings, I'm glad you found this page. This article has been written to provide clear and concise information for those seeking information on tarot card reading. I have a long-standing interest in tarot and a lack of concise information about tarot readings.

The origins of tarot cards are shrouded in mystery, with influences from a wide range of cultures and rumoured to include Egyptian lore, Mithraic religion, medieval heresy, and pagan Celtic beliefs. Their first recorded use dates back to the 14th century in southern Europe, where they were mainly used for educational purposes and as a mixture of playing cards. Different packs were intended to show rationale, Greek folklore, religion, geology and, surprisingly, the specialty of cutting meat and fish. The name taro likely gets from the Italian word 'trochi', which comes from the valley of the Taro Waterway in northern Italy. The modern Tarot card pack is said to derive from the French Tarot of Marseilles, which consists of 78 cards with 22 trumps. The primary remarkable record of utilizing tarot cards on a more otherworldly level was in 1781, when the Swiss mysterious essayist, minister and freemason Antoine Court de Belin composed the implications of tarot cards in his book on human progress.  in an increasingly religiously dominated world. Eliot of Paris was the first known fortune teller to use tarot cards. They believed that tarot card readings revealed possible future events such as travel, sorrow, love and luck.

For readings, the deck is shuffled, usually by subject, and laid out in one of several patterns called "spreads". They are then deciphered by the peruse for the subject. There are several ways to set up a card for reading. These are the three most popular spreads:

Three card spread

Three cards are chosen with the first representing the past, the second the present and the third the future.

Five card answers

They usually helped with one or more specific questions at that time in their lives. The selected five tarot cards are used to indicate:

1. The current situation is related to the question.

2. What exactly was the cause of the problem.

3. What kind of response is required.

4. What are the possible side effects.

5. Possible results after action.

Tarot Card Calendar

Twelve cards are chosen which are placed in a circle in front of the subject. The subject is usually asked to turn the card closest to the one o'clock position on the card circle. This card shows the general situation they face in the next month. This cycle then continues around the circle and each card is connected to significant parts of each ensuing month.

Setting up a tarot card deck

The deck is divided into 2 parts called Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. This section roughly corresponds to the court cards and spot cards in a modern deck of cards. There are a sum of 78 Tarot cards, including 22 Significant Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards.

Major Archana

These cards do not have suits and are character cards whose presence indicates some special significance during a tarot card reading.

Stupid Power

The magician is a dumb man

Death of the High Priest

Queen Temperance

The emperor is Satan

High Priest Tower

lover star

Chariot Moon

Justice of the sun

Monk angel

The wheel of fortune of the world

Minor Arcana

There are fifty-six cards, divided into four suits of fourteen cards each; Ten number cards and four court cards. The court cards in each of the four tarot suits are the king, queen, knight, and page. The suits are Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles.

Each suit is similar to normal playing cards (Ace to Ten) with the addition of an additional court card, page.

Monday, January 30, 2023



Learn the meaning of tarot cards and how to use tarot card spreads

Brief Introduction to Tarot Cards

They help in making predictions and gaining insight into the future using special tarot card spreads with meanings assigned to each tarot card. In fact the deck of tarot cards formed the basis of the playing cards we use today to play games like poker and bridge.

Each complete tarot card deck is made up of two arcana: the major arcana and the minor arcana, with tarot card meanings for each card. Some tarot decks may only have 22 tarot cards which are the major arcana. This is because trying to figure out the meanings of all 78 cards can be really challenging when you start out.When you feel comfortable with the Major Arcana, feel free to start using the Minor Arcana.

Two bows

The twenty-two cards that make up the Major Arcana are based on classic archetypes. An archetype is a representation of something generic, such as The Priestess or The Fool. It is not very difficult to determine the meaning behind the cards based on your own knowledge and your own experience.

The Major Arcana can be considered to represent major events and potential turning points in our lives. Their meanings usually represent events that are beyond our control but do have some effect. The meanings are not always literal, in fact they rarely are, and part of the skill of reading cards is being able to interpret the meaning of the cards. For example, the Death card; It doesn't mean you will die! This is a card that represents change, either an end or a beginning.

The fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana are usually made up of four suits, usually Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles. Different decks may have different suits such as Coins for Pentacles) and Wands for Wands. It was a minor marvel, with a few modifications that were used to make the playing cards we use today feel quite familiar. With the one notable exception of playing cards, the Tarot deck has an additional picture card for each suit. The actual cards will vary from deck to deck, but all suits will have four picture cards instead of three.

The Minor Arcana represent more mundane events and issues in our lives. These are events that are within our control or our sphere of influence. Once you start using the full Tarot deck for reading you will be able to uncover major events with the Major Arcana and see how they affect us with the Minor Arcana. This will help guide the best course or course of action.

suit of minor arcana

Each suit of the Minor Arcana is representative of one of the elements Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, and the meaning reflects these elements. Looking at the symbolism of the Tarot and the various Tarot decks, these associations are not set in stone and may differ for different Tarot decks. Most decks come with a small booklet describing the symbols and meanings of the cards.

Usually the suit of Pentacles is associated with the element of the Earth. It can be considered as solid and stable as a rock. Earth is also associated with money, so it represents material wealth and financial health. The suit of swords is associated with the element of air and can indicate change and distance. Air represents authority and ambition and even opposition. We have a suit of wands for fire. Wands represent growth, creativity, and enterprise. The last suit is his relation to the cup and the water. Water represents a free-flowing element so the cup represents intuition and creativity, as well as fertility and passion.

using tarot card spreads

Tarot cards are not designed for personal reading as the meaning of any given tarot card will be affected by the spread as well as the position of the tarot cards.  Each word in a sentence has its own meaning, but both where it appears in the sentence and the surrounding words affect its meaning.

There are different types of tarot card spreads and each is used for a different reason. Over time you may find that you develop a preference for two or three spreads. Some common tarot spreads are the Celtic Cross, the Horoscope Spread, and the Pyramid Spread.

In conclusion I would like to say that tarot cards are not evil or use black magic. They're really just cards, like our playing cards, and are usually works of art in their own right. Tarot cards do not have any power, nor do they create or cause events. They are a way of helping us understand the events and things that happen in our lives and in some situations can give us the opportunity to take some action. there are many different decks

In fact the deck of tarot cards formed the basis of the playing cards we use today to play games like poker and bridge. Each complete tarot card deck is made up of two arcana: the major arcana and the minor arcana, with tarot card meanings for each card. The meanings are not always literal, in fact they rarely are, and part of the skill of reading cards is being able to interpret the meaning of the cards. The fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana are usually made up of four suits, usually Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles. This will help guide the best course or course of action.suit of minor arcana Each suit of the Minor Arcana is representative of one of the elements Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, and the meaning reflects these elements. Looking at the symbolism of the Tarot and the various Tarot decks, these associations are not set in stone and may differ for different Tarot decks. Most decks come with a small booklet describing the symbols and meanings of the cards. The suit of swords is associated with the element of air and can indicate change and distance. There are different types of tarot card spreads and each is used for a different reason. They are a way of helping us understand the events and things that happen in our lives and in some situations can give us the opportunity to take some action.there are many different decks

Each complete tarot card deck is made up of two arcana: the major arcana and the minor arcana, with tarot card meanings for each card. The fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana are usually made up of four suits, usually Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles.In In fact the deck of tarot cards formed the basis of the playing cards we use today to play games like poker and bridge. There are different types of tarot card spreads and each is used for a different reason. Looking at the symbolism of the Tarot and the various Tarot decks, these associations are not set in stone and may differ for different Tarot decks. Most decks come with a small booklet describing the symbols and meanings of the cards.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


How to Ask Yes or No Questions on Tarot Cards - Your Guide to a Quick and Easy Tarot Card Reading

There are many ways one can ask questions about tarot cards. The simplest situation arises when the question is a yes/no question. Then, the tarot reader may throw a simple one or three cards. The easiest way to ask tarot cards yes/no questions is to throw out a tarot card, and if it comes up straight, the answer is yes, if it's upside down, the answer is no. However, a little more effort should be put in to ensure a more accurate and helpful answer. There's more to a simple tarot card reading, as we'll see below.

First, the one-card method works differently if you use rectangular cards that can only be upright or flipped. On the plus side, this tarot reading will give you a simple yes or no answer. Although not 100% likely to occur in most situations, this style controls the accuracy of the tarot card as well as how much information the tarot card can convey to the reader. Because I use round cards, a one-card toss gives me 360 degrees of freedom from yes to uncertain.

The other problem that arises when doing tarot readings with one card is that you usually need to see more than one card to get some sense of what's going on. Remember, a tarot reading is always about energy, and energy is always in motion: two cards have more motion than one card can interact. This is why I usually keep at least three cards if I want to ask yes/no questions from tarot cards. If three cards are straight, or mostly straight, and all cards are positive, then the answer is yes. If two cards land straight, your answer is likely, and the tarot reader should also see which tarot cards land on which side (and alert the questioner to remain positive to ensure the desired result). If a tarot card doesn't come straight, the answer is probably no, or no. The answer is likely to be no or no if all the cards are turned over, or all the cards are negative-energy cards.

In general, a tarot card reader will find that he rarely has three straight, positive-energy cards. This is understandable because certain situations are bound to happen. Usually when someone seeks guidance from tarot cards, the situation is uncertain or complicated; And, check which cards answer the question, as well as whether the cards are upright or flipped Remember, a tarot card reader will get the most accurate and useful information from the tarot if the question asked of the tarot is very clear and focused.

You now have a simple, one or three card layout that you can use to get guidance from tarot cards with yes/no questions. If the question cannot be answered yes or no, then the most popular tarot card layout is probably the Cross, also known as the Celtic Cross. My next article will discuss cross layout. Check back soon for another tarot card reading lesson.

After her experience in law and government work, Alexandra lives a happy, joyful, nature-based life. He writes articles on a variety of topics including learning to read tarot cards. He loves to write, and loves to share information that others can enjoy.

Monday, December 19, 2022

How to do tarot card reading

How to do tarot card reading

Tarot card reading is easy.

1. Collect the items

Gather all the items needed for the tarot card reading. After you start reading, you want to stay.

2. Set the mood

Before starting your tarot reading, consider lighting candles and incense sticks, meditating quietly, or taking a few slow deep breaths. This will help you center and open up. It likewise makes a holy space for your tarot perusing.

3. Decide on the focus of your reading

The focus of your tarot reading can be a question or a problem. The key is to select a question or problem that is very specific. However, you can also do an open tarot reading, where you don't have any questions or problems in mind - you just want to see what the tarot cards reveal to you.

4. Connect with your tarot cards

Once you have your question in mind, begin shuffling the tarot cards as you recall the way they are called to you. This is when you focus on connecting yourself, your questions, and the tarot cards. This connection will help you get a clear tarot reading. Once you feel ready to stop shuffling, you can also cut the cards.

5. Display your tarot cards

In advance, you should choose a layout for your reading. Tarot readings can be found in layout books or online. You can create your own tarot layout. When you're done shuffling and cutting the cards and think it's time to layout the cards, do so

6. Interpreting your tarot card readings

You have many options. Some tarot decks come with books that contain explanations of each tarot card. It is acceptable to use a book to decipher tarot cards. Be that as it may, you have different choices for perusing tarot designs. You can view the artwork of each tarot card, viewing it as a picture-show of your questions. You can use symbols and interpret each tarot card. You can completely trust your intuition, and let your inner voice tell you what each tarot card means. Or, you can view the tarot cards as a story, with the first tarot card at the beginning of the story and the last tarot card at the end. It is important to look at each tarot card separately and in the layout as a whole. All in all, get two points of view - see the "woods" and the "trees".

7. Further explanation

If there are parts of your tarot reading that you don't understand or parts about which you want more information, you can lay out more tarot cards. For example, if you don't understand a third card in your layout, you can place a new tarot card next to it for clarification. Or, if you understand your tarot reading but have other questions or concerns, pull out a tarot card or two to focus on for additional information.

8. Memorizing your tarot readings

List the date, question and each tarot card on the layout. The advantage of recording your tarot reading is that you can go back later and re-read what your tarot reading covers. It becomes like a diary of your life. If you don't want to do all this extra work, you can stay in the moment with your tarot reading and choose not to record it.

9. Finishing your tarot reading

Finish your tarot reading slowly and respectfully. Thank the universe (or someone else) for the guidance you've received and shuffle your tarot cards into the deck. You can say a few words to end your tarot reading and clear the tarot cards of your old questions. The idea is to remove a tarot deck that has been drained of energy from previous readings, so you can start fresh when you do your next reading. Put away your tarot reading materials (deck, candles, etc.) as if you were concluding a sacred ceremony.

10. Back to reality

When you do a tarot reading, you are working in a sacred space. You are repairing yourself and partner with soul. Once you do it, you get busy with worldly life again. Make sure you are fully present and back to your body before doing things like driving or eating dinner. You can move your body, stretch, breathe deeply, and do other things that clear the energy of the falling event from your body.

Author bio

Vijanseer has been working with divination for 15 years and does all readings personally. She is an empath who loves to help people find their way to peace, happiness, fulfillment and prosperity.

You can find more information about tarot at GodesFlight.com.

How To Deal With(A) Very Bad 5 MYTHS ABOUT TAROT CARDS

How To Improve At 5 MYTHS ABOUT TAROT CARDS In 60 Minutes 5 Myths About Tarot Cards Few things are as misunderstood as tarot cards. For all ...

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